Concatenate Formula

The Concatenate Formula in Excel is used to combine two or more text strings into a single string. The formula is written as "=CONCATENATE(text1, text2, ...)" and it can be used to merge data from multiple cells into one cell, or to combine static text with dynamic data from cells.

The concatenate formula can be especially useful when you need to create a custom label, such as a full name, or when you want to join together data from multiple cells to create a unique identifier. The formula can also be combined with other functions, such as LEFT, RIGHT, and MID, to extract specific parts of the text strings, allowing you to create more complex text manipulations.

Overall, the concatenate formula is a versatile tool that can help streamline your data processing and make it easier to manipulate and present your data. In this example we use the concatenate formula with both the ampersand (&) and the concatenate formula.


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